A reminder that our parcel lines are used for taxing purposes and should not be used to determine exact property lines.
We have recently added a "survey" layer to our GIS maps. This layer is intended to show properties that have been surveyed, including recording information on where you can look at the actual survey in the Wayne County Recorders office.
Sign up in the Assessor's Office for the Homestead Property Tax Credit, Military Property Tax Exemption, Disabled Veteran's Homestead Tax Credit and Business Property Tax Credit by July 1 of the assessment year in which the exemption if first claimed. Each of these credits/exemptions are "one-time" signings and there is no need to reapply if your property use or ownership has not changed.
It is the responsibility of each Family Farm Tax Credit applicant to file an application for the credit with the county Assessor by November 1st. No further filing is required as long as the property continues to be farmed by the designated person on the application.
Board of Review Form https://tax.iowa.gov/form-types/property-tax?combine=56-064
A new link has been added within our real estate search which allows you to access the Treasurer's tax system data on a given parcel.
Contact the County Sanitarian for septic permits and/or inspections before beginning your construction or remodel project.
Building permits are required in the City of Corydon.
County-wide abatements are available on rural residential/ag dwellings new construction excluding detached buildings. Improvements must add add least 15% to the current value of the property to qualify. Applications may be made at the Assessor's Office.
Allerton, Corydon, Seymour and Promise City all have city wide abatements. These abatements must be applied for at the appropriate city hall and passed by the appropriate city council.